Welcome to the world of Narrowboating

To risk is to live!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Out at last

No, I haven’t discovered a new sexuality, I’m out on the boat! A whole four days to mooch about Handsacre and indulge Bonny after her operation.

She had two teeth removed under general anaesthetic on Tuesday and came back all dazed and drugged up. I carried her to her bed and popped outside to fetch something off the mooring. Being Bon, she hauled herself up the steps after me, somehow managed to jump out of the boat and then staggered up the mooring – mostly sideways – all because she hadn’t had her walk!

She was so much improved the next day, that I cast off our ropes and toddled up to Kings Bromley to do the usual pumping out and dieseling up. Then, instead of retracing our steps, we carried on to Handsacre where there is one of our favourite walks. We could have gone further, but with us both needing some recuperation time (I have had a stinky cold), I decided just to enjoy having a different view and still having time to rest.

I had forgotten again just how perfectly cruising suits both Bonny and me. We adore exploring new walks, having time to watch squirrels and to shelter from the rain when necessary. We don’t need to be near pubs or people. We don’t need any more entertainment than the hedgerows afford us and it has been such a joy having her all to myself after a long and busy working summer.

I was cleaning the outside of the boat a couple of hours ago when we were passed by a lovely shiny boat called ‘What a Lark’. The lady on board said she was a reader of my blog and really enjoyed it. What a lovely comment. So I thought I better blog immediately! Ahoy there to What a Lark.

I have also finally given in and joined the Facebook generation – it is amazing who has popped up so far. So many people from my various past lives!

To conclude, here are some pics of our mini trip:

bon recovering

Bonny recovering

handsacre heaven

Handsacre mooring

improved bon

Bon much improved – in health and behaviour!

handsacre path

Our favourite circular walk


Lisa said...

Dear Mandy,
Yes I have followed your blog since you started! I was very impressed that Bonnie returned quickly to you today. We met Jan & Graham this afternoon after nipping to Fradley on bikes. Have a great time out and enjoy yourself.
NB What a Lark

Unknown said...

Hi Mandy

I have just come across your blog after googling 'lone female boater'!! ..and would love to follow it but I have no idea how to do this..help! I've only read some of your posts but I am impressed...and very envious..Your life sounds amazing!

I am female, late 40's, on the verge of redundancy and have had a crazy idea of doing something totally radical as opposed to slipping back into corporate life with a different company. Would love your advice about buying a boat and the highs & lows of boating as a lone female as my only experience of boating was a week cruising on the Caledonian Canal with family around 10years ago! Loved it!

Tried to find you on Facebook so I could private message you but was unsuccessful!

Would be great to hear from you!



Mandy Wright said...

Dear Lianne I'm afraid I'm not very technical but I think you just press join and I think you have have a Google account but I could be wrong. I have just joined Facebook...search Mandy Wright.
As far as advice, well have a look at past posts on this blog but probably best to post questions and I'll do my best to answer. I can highly recommend the life and don't let anyone tell you it can't be done alone!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your reply Mandy, I managed to follow you using my gmail account.

I will read through your whole blog when I get a chance & come back with any questions.

Many thanks.
